M122H Rev 1 officially available & M4x SC kit under development

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HMW KC M122H Full Kit

As of 1st July, The Rev 1 of the HMW M122H KC kit is available to order. Things have been rather slow at our end to announce this primarily due to Keith’s mother having suffered a major stroke. We decided to put things on halt for a few weeks, all while having to catch up on some pre orders. There are now a few builds on the main bmw forums based on these kits and we are finally able to take orders on these.


HMW V4 M.O.A.B – Supercharger Kit for the BMW 4 cylinder

We are now also working on a 4 cylinder supercharger kit that is made for the M42, M43, M44 motors found commonly in the 316i and 318i’s and all their relative models. Code named V4 M.O.A.B- Short for Mother Of All Brackets, its based off the original V2 designs. Throughout the past decade there has been a few SC kits offered for these motors, The most prominent being the DASC kit using the Eaton M62, which is an 1L roots blower. The HMW V4 will be something spacial for the 318Ti & Z3 enthusiasts. Not only are we building our most comprehensive & modular kit yet, but with support for the 1.5L SC14. Making it the largest commercially offered supercharger kit for these cars in history.

Currently in prototype stages this kit supports 4 different superchargers, ranging from the AMR 500, SC14, Eaton M45 & and M62, with intent of having future iterations that support the M90 and M122H. The boost will range from an humble 5PSI for the stock motors wanting to use the smaller AMR500 to an astonishing 12 – 20PSI. The Kit itself will maintain the AC, The Alternator, the Power steering. The SC14 & AMR500 will retain the stock manifold, while the Eaton M45 & M62 will require replacing the top part of an M42/M44 Manifold with the custom HMW mini plenum.

Its a project I have personally overseen after having bought a little 318ti from a local club member, upon release I intend to make them a very well priced option that costing a fraction of anything else out there. In a future post after the CAD & Production team goes through them I will update you all on future progress. We expect to have them ready by the end of August.



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Stoneleigh UK 2018 – Supercharged DMO Kit Car

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The National Kit Car Show at Stoneleigh UK is the largest Kit Car Show in the world. And thanks to our collaboration with DMO Sports Cars in Netherlands & their build agent Aeon Sports Cars UK the HMW V2.1X Based Setup went in as part of their latest Supercharged incarnation of the DMO Legend.

We were Originally Approached by Steven Bruyninckx of DMO Sports Cars back in 2017, After some exchange of emails our cooperation through long distance calls started and we shortly decided to work on the V2.1 Base of brackets to come up with an Exclusive Setup to the DMO Legend, Exclusive as in its made for the Legend and no off the shelf HMW Kit would ever fit in there. The Design work was undertaken by Dave at Aeon Sports Cars in UK who specialize in Fabrication & Kit Cars; and after months of  trials & going back to the drawing board, input & collaboration all while nearing the deadline, our work was complete at the 11th Hour.

The Final Product was the Big Seven DMO Legend with a BMW M54B30 motor featuring the Hyde Motor Works V2.1X Based Roots Supercharger Setup landing in The Worlds Biggest Kit Car Show, The Stoneleigh National Kit Car Show in May 2018.

More about DMO Sports Cars at dmosportscars.com
Also find then on Facebook at facebook.com/dmosportscars.

Some Pictures Below..





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Powder Coated Brackets & Custom Manifolds!

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Our latest Batch of V2.1 Supercharger Brackets are now ready! Powder Coated Black and Laser Engraved. They now ship from our partner in the UK.

More so we are proud to finally showcase our new revised offering, The new HMW KC Manifold & Throttle Body Relocation Kit tailored for the V2.1 SC14 Supercharger Setups made in NJ, USA.

Also to celebrate the holiday season we are going to be offering a small discount for some selected orders made in December to the first week of January.

While Our Eaton M62/M90 Brackets are also being revised. We leave you with  a short production line  sneak peak of our V2.1 SC14 Brackets being made by some state of the art Laser CNC Machines.

Happy Holidays to everyone! 🙂

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