Drive Belts

Replacement Belts for our Supercharger Kits


Replacement belts to drive all our Supercharger kits.

Replacement Supercharger Drive Belts

Here you can find our replacement belts offered for those looking to replace their old worn out belt on their existing supercharger system.


  • We offer belts from different brands, depending on what our supplier offers at the time being. Most common brands include Gates, Bosch, Febi & Dayco.
  • Sometimes the belt sizes may vary by 1-5mm depending on the manufacturer’s nearest size available.
  • Belts carry a limited warranty, when used with our kits, this warranty does not cover misuse or improper installation. Please refer to our terms and conditions.


6PK Belts
These are 6 Rib / 6PK belts suited mostly to our 6 cylinder supercharger kits. Please check with the belt in your system currently, consult the installation guide or contact us for more details.

  • 6PK2260
  • 6PK2228
  • 6PK2213
  • 6PK2145
  • 6PK2070
  • 6PK2080
  • 6PK1980
  • 6PK1238
  • 6PK1125
  • 6PK1055
  • 6PK1020
  • 6PK1163


8PK Belts
These are 6 Rib / 6PK belts suited mostly to our B.R.O.S.K. Rotrex Based supercharger kits as well as the M5x Overdrive Pulley Setup. Please check with the belt in your system currently, consult the installation guide or contact us for more details.

  • 8PK8001060060 / 1090


For our Supercharger kits that are made for V-Belt Drive engines. Please check with the belt in your system currently, consult the installation guide or contact us for more details.

  • V Belt 1090 (1060060)


COG Pulley, Timing and Machine Belts
These are in house produced steel backed belts that suit our cog pulleys that use the Harbinger Supercharger Kit with the Speed master P2 Centrifugal Supercharger. Please check with the belt in your system currently, consult the installation guide or contact us for more details.

  • 25 T-5 965
  • 25 T-5 1070

Additional information

Weight .800 kg
Dimensions N/A
Technical Information

Most common brands include Gates, Bosch, Febi & Dayco.


Belt only.

Select Belt Type

6PK Serpentine Belt, 8PK Serpentine Belt, V-Belt, COG Pulley Timing Belt