New Supercharger Kits & Products | Fall 2024

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Presenting our newest product line up and supercharger kits as of November 2024. Joining the product line is The Rotrex C38 based Nebraska R1 made for the BMW N51, N52 and N53 6 Cylinder engines as well as the Nemesis – an Eaton M62 based supercharger kit for the BMW N42, N43 & N46.

Nebraska R1

A limited black edition batch of them were released to be delivered to our existing clients who preordered these kits. Under Development since 2023 by K.C. Design Concepts, the Nebraska R1 aims to fill the gap left for the N series BMW Engines that are not Turbocharged. In the future a Rotrex C30 based variant will also be added to our lineup.

Nemesis I

Developed in Ireland by W.M.D. Designs in 2023 and with a limited release earlier in 2024, the Nemisis is aimed for those looking to enhance the power of the infamous BMW 4 Cylinder N Engines.

SR1 REV 7 Manifold

The SR1 REV 7 Manifold now sports a few design improvements which include a rear slope, improving its airflow characteristics as well as ease of fitment when it comes to the wiring over the firewall of various cars.

S50 Engine I.T.B. Flanges

With the S50 Flanges, we have now added full support to our S54 Manifold which can be now used not only on the BMW S54B32 E46 M3 but also on the BMW S50 European M3 Engine commonly found in the Euro E36 M3.

Harbinger GEN II

Our Harbinger Kits also now have added support for the new generation of the Speedmaster P2 Centrifugal Superchargers. It came to our attention earlier this year that the body mounting points on the P2 Supercharger were changed by its manufacturer, Speedmaster.
Our latest Harbinger mounting plate seen above in Black, resolves this issue and supports both the new and old versions respectably.

A latest generation of The B.R.O.S.K 1 kits have also been added to our expanding product line along with many updated parts in our catalogue of custom forced induction goodies.  This is not all, as we progress towards the end of the year and starting a new, we plan to leave you with a few teasers of upcoming products & projects we have in line under development!

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Supercharged Summer Sale! Get 25% Off!

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Get supercharged in the summer of 2023! Because this summer we are back with our massive Summer Sale offering you 25% discount from all Hyde Motor Works Supercharger kits and pulleys in our shop. Our customers down under as usual might prefer calling it the winter sale, of course.

Start today with your summer project and save 25% with the coupon code below!
From June 14 to July 30.

Be sure to look out for all new products being added this year to our wide range of kits. Such as M1 REV 2, Harbinger, O.T. M10, Black Kaiser V8 and many Rotrex Based Kits.

If you are not sure which kit you need to reach your HP goal, use our Product Finder Tool or send us an email to:


Get supercharged noch diesen Sommer 2023! Denn diesen Sommer sind wir zurück mit unserem massiven Summer Sale und bieten Ihnen 25% Rabatt auf alle Hyde Motor Works Supercharger Kits und Riemenscheiben in unserem Shop. Unsere Kunden in Downunder würden es natürlich lieber als Winter Sale bezeichnen.

Beginnen Sie noch heute mit Ihrem Sommerprojekt und sparen Sie 25% mit dem untenstehenden Coupon-Code!
Vom 14. Juni bis 30. Juli

Halten Sie Ausschau nach allen neuen Produkten, die in diesem Jahr zu unserer breite Palette an Bausätzen hinzugefügt werden. Wie z.B. M1 REV 2, Harbinger, O.T. M10, Black Kaiser V8 und viele Rotrex-basierte Kits.

Solltest Du nicht sicher sein mit welchem Kit Du Dein PS-Ziel erreichen kannst, hilft Dir unser Produktfinder-Tool oder sende eine E-Mail an:


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Harbinger Centrifugal Supercharger Project Update

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Our Harbinger Supercharger Kit is finally complete. Since July of 2021 we have been working on our first centrifugal supercharger kit, titled Harbinger. The Harbinger is designed as an affordable and reliable mid-range option for enthusiasts. The supercharger is a dry self-contained unit with no lubrication required and is capable of maximum 1150 CFM and up to 22 PSI.

It is scheduled to be released in fall 2022, after all tests have been finalized. We have just released a video featuring Keith Caldwell of K.C. Design Concepts, our chief engineer who introduces this final prototype.

Pre-orders will start in September 2022! We are offering a special discount for the first 10 orders.

Unser Harbinger Supercharger Kit ist endlich einsatzfähig. Es ist unser erstes Zentrifugal-Kompressor-Kit und wurde seit Juli 2021 entwickelt. Der Harbinger wurde als erschwingliche und zuverlässige Mittelklasse-Option für Enthusiasten konzipiert. Der Kompressor ist eine trockene, in sich geschlossene Einheit, die keine Schmierstoffe benötigt und maximal 1150 CFM sowie bis zu 22 PSI leisten kann.

Der Harbringer wird im Herbst 2022 auf den Markt kommen, sobald alle Tests abgeschlossen sind. Wir haben soeben ein Video veröffentlicht, in dem unser Chefingenieur Keith Caldwell von K.C. Design Concepts, diesen Prototyp vorstellt.

Die Vorbestellungen starten im September 2022! Den ersten 10 Käufern bieten wir einen Sonderrabatt an.


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