M52Supercharged Blog Has Moved to HydeMotorWorks

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The BMW M52Supercharged Project has now moved to Hyde Motor Works! The project’s success & evolution over the years not to mention demand through a client base of BMW enthusiasts around the world has led me towards envisioning a few greater public supercharger projects involving even larger and widely available superchargers. Formerly m52supercahrged.wordpress.com was a little blog I created back in late 2015, to showcase my BMW SC14 Supercharger project; since then a minor goal for a long time was always rebuilding the blog from scratch into a larger, properly organized layout.

I wanted something that appealed to me, did not alienate my old client base, improved upon where the last blog left, invited the younger neo client base while still making it easy for the older noir generation; something that could house new content and projects and display them in a more refined and elegant enough manner, and with a dash of neo-noir to the mix. And thus, Incorporating the original project entirely into Hyde Motor Works was the long awaited project this year conceived as – HMWProject17.

I hope this new atmosphere is an inviting one and that it serves as a better foundation overall for me to reach out and be of service to a greater number of BMW Enthusiasts Around the World!!

Thank you for all your support 🙂